He rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at his own temerity: “Please sir, I want some more.” ~ Oliver Twist
Please Sir, I Want Some More represents the gruel poor little Oliver Twist was served in the work house, but this bar of soap is definitly more satisfactory. Ground oatmeal exfoliates your skin and the light scent of grapefruit and honey, gives you a refreshing experience.
Oliver Twist is one of the longer classic novels that delves into the unfair circumstancing surrounding a little orphan boy named Oliver. Although it has a happy ending, the rest of the book is rather depressing, but this bar of soap won't leave you crying in the shower, it'll life you up.
Please Sir, I Want Some More
- Grassfed beef tallow
- Olive oil
- Coconut oil
- Raw goat milk
- Sodium hydroxide
- Ground oatmeal
- Honey
- Citric acid
- Grapefruit essential oil
- Bentonite clay
To see a complete list of ingredients and where they are sourced, click here.
We follow the guidelines set by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) when we use essential oils to ensure we're using safe amounts.